Saturday 8 February 2020

Six Times the Speed of Sound: Will the Air Force Get an SR-72 Spy Plane?

Six Times the Speed of Sound: Will the Air Force Get an SR-72 Spy Plane?Better than the SR-71?

Armand Duplantis Breaks the Pole Vault World Record


Biden Slashes Into Buttigieg: ‘This Guy’s Not a Barack Obama!’


Iowa Democrats, still sorting out the caucus mess, will re-examine 95 precincts.


Sanders lays out his 'radical dream' to solve climate change

Sanders lays out his 'radical dream' to solve climate changeAt Friday’s Democratic presidential debate in Manchester, N.H., Sen. Bernie Sanders channeled Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., expounding on his “dream” for the world to come together to solve climate change.

Warren Slides as Sanders Maintains Lead in New Hampshire Poll

Warren Slides as Sanders Maintains Lead in New Hampshire Poll(Bloomberg) -- Elizabeth Warren has slipped to single digits in a New Hampshire poll, just days before the state’s Tuesday’s primary.In a survey for CNN by the University of New Hampshire Survey Center, Warren, the senator from neighboring Massachusetts, had 9% support of likely Democratic primary voters, putting her in fourth place.In previous polls over the last year, she had been as high as 19% in New Hampshire.The poll showed Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders in the lead with 28%, followed by former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg at 21% and former Vice President Joe Biden at 11%.The survey of 365 likely Democratic primary voters conducted Feb. 4 through 7 has a margin of error of plus or minus 5.1 percentage points.To contact the reporter on this story: Ryan Teague Beckwith in Manchester, New Hampshire at rbeckwith3@bloomberg.netTo contact the editors responsible for this story: Wendy Benjaminson at, Max BerleyFor more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.comSubscribe now to stay ahead with the most trusted business news source.©2020 Bloomberg L.P.

As China returns to work, it is hardly business as usual

As China returns to work, it is hardly business as usualSHENZHEN, China/BEIJING (Reuters) - The Chinese economy will sputter towards normal on Monday after the coronavirus outbreak forced an extended holiday, although numerous stores and factories will remain shut and many white collar employees will continue working from home. The usually week-long Lunar New Year holiday was extended by 10 days in much of China amid mounting alarm over an epidemic that as of Saturday morning had killed 722 people. Huge cities including Beijing and Shanghai seem like ghost towns, with shops and restaurants closed or empty, and as containment measures including transportation curbs are enforced in many parts of the country.

Michael Bloomberg surges to 2nd place in the betting markets

Michael Bloomberg surges to 2nd place in the betting marketsAmericans may not be betting on Michael Bloomberg yet, but betting markets still think he's got a chance.The former New York City mayor has totally leapfrogged former Vice President Joe Biden in an average of betting markets, RealClearPolitics' average shows. Bloomberg has a 19 percent chance of winning, per, while PredictIt's betting market gives Bloomberg a 23-cent "yes" price to Sen. Bernie Sanders' (I-Vt.) 43 cents.Bloomberg's rise coincides with a major drop in Biden's betting chances, likely stemming from the former vice president's dismal performance in Monday's Iowa caucuses. Even former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg has come close to surpassing Biden in RealClearPolitics' average, and he did so decisively on PredictIt. Still, has President Trump with the best chance of winning the whole election this fall, giving him a 59.5 percent chance to Sanders' 14.8 percent and Bloomberg's 10 percent.The Biden drop was also good news for Sanders. He surpassed Biden on the betting markets in late January, and is now far and away the top candidate to win the Democratic nomination. Sanders, and according to RealClearPolitics' betting markets average, no top-ranking candidate has put that much space between themselves and second place since Sen. Elizabeth Warren's (D-Mass.) bump in October of last year.More stories from American democracy is dying America's pig problem Warren, Biden slide as Buttigieg rises in Sanders-led New Hampshire poll

Sandra Fluke: Rush Limbaugh deserves health care, not the Presidential Medal of Freedom

Sandra Fluke: Rush Limbaugh deserves health care, not the Presidential Medal of FreedomDonald Trump and Rush Limbaugh would prevent every American from accessing affordable health care. But Democrats fight for coverage for all of us.

Iowa reviewing reported inconsistencies in 95 precincts

Iowa reviewing reported inconsistencies in 95 precinctsThe IDP will make any final corrections by 12 p.m. CT Monday, after which the national delegates will finally be allocated, the party said.

Deaths from China's coronavirus outbreak surpass deaths from SARS

The number of deaths in China's central Hubei province from a coronavirus outbreak had risen by 81 to 780 as of Saturday, the province's health commission said on Sunday morning, taking the global count past that of the SARS epidemic in 2002/2003.

from Reuters: World News

Sinn Fein Irish election surge leaves three main parties tied

Support for left-wing Irish nationalists Sinn Fein surged in an election on Saturday, leaving it tied with the party of Prime Minister Leo Varadkar but unlikely to emerge with the highest number of seats, an exit poll showed.

from Reuters: World News

American, Afghan soldiers killed in shootout in Afghanistan: New York Times

U.S. and Afghan forces came under attack in eastern Afghanistan on Saturday, officials said in Kabul as they launched investigations into what the New York Times described as a deadly shootout between Afghan and American soldiers during a joint exercise.

from Reuters: World News

Italy contradicts China over possible air traffic restart

Italy contradicts China over possible air traffic restartROME/SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Italy on Friday contradicted China's assertions over a possible resumption of flights between the two countries, in a move that could further raise diplomatic tensions after Rome's decision to shut air traffic due to the coronavirus emergency. Rome's decision on Jan. 31 to block flights to and from China was greeted with dismay in Beijing, which has been lobbying in the last few days to have the ban lifted. "The block on flights is a measure taken to immediately deal with an emergency and we will keep it in place as long as health authorities and therefore the scientific community tell us we should," Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio told a news conference in Madrid.

US Marine charged with human smuggling says he was offered $1,000 to help transport an undocumented migrant

US Marine charged with human smuggling says he was offered $1,000 to help transport an undocumented migrantThe two US Marines who were arrested agreed to answer questions from Border Patrol agents without an attorney present.

5 takeaways from the Democratic debate in New Hampshire

5 takeaways from the Democratic debate in New HampshireSeven Democratic presidential candidates gathered in Manchester, N.H., on Friday night, sharing a stage for the first time since the Iowa caucuses.

Turkish Jets and Howitzers Blasted Syrian Army in Retaliation for Deadly Rocket Barrage

Turkish Jets and Howitzers Blasted Syrian Army in Retaliation for Deadly Rocket BarrageWhat is going on in the Middle East now?

Trump cries fake news as image of dramatic orange tan line goes viral

Trump cries fake news as image of dramatic orange tan line goes viral* Photo from White House south lawn draws amusement * Indignant Trump says image ‘photoshopped, obviously’An image of a windswept Donald Trump, which appears to show a dramatic forehead tan line through his blown-back blond hair, has gone viral – prompting the hashtag orangeface to trend on Twitter.This image was posted late Friday afternoon to an unverified Twitter account called White House Photos, which describes itself as the account of a “White House Correspondent, Journalist, Photographer, Poet and Pesco Vegetarian” named “William Moon.”White House Photos tweeted a black-and-white version of the image shortly thereafter, with the caption: “Today, ⁦DonaldTrump⁩ was dancing with the sunset and strong winds when he walked to the Oval Office from the Marine One on the South Lawn.. Photo by William Moon in the White House on February 7, 2020.”Trump, who is known to be sensitive about his appearance, did not take kindly to this image and said on Twitter of the black-and-white version on Saturday: “More Fake News. This was photoshopped, obviously, but the wind was strong and the hair looks good? Anything to demean!”> ⁦@realDonaldTrump⁩ returns to the White House from Charlotte, North Carolina. Photo by William Moon at the South Lawn of the White House on February 7, 2020> > — White House Photos (@photowhitehouse) February 7, 2020Although there are other photos of Trump at that time showing tan lines, the contrast is not as dramatic, Vox pointed out – prompting questions about its authenticity. White House Photos later said in a tweet: “This picture was never photoshopped, but used the Apple smartphone’s photo app to adjust the color of the picture.”People on the internet didn’t worry too much about its authenticity – or Trump’s hurt feelings – in lampooning him.One user wrote: “The stain of impeachment never washes off.”And one meme featured the caption: “Tupperware after you store spaghetti in it.”

Russians quarantined in Siberia over the coronavirus are livestreaming their workouts, posting photos of their dinner, and modeling 'prisoner clothes'

Russians quarantined in Siberia over the coronavirus are livestreaming their workouts, posting photos of their dinner, and modeling 'prisoner clothes'The Russians were evacuated from Wuhan and are being monitored in a facility in Tyumen, Siberia, for two weeks.

Biden predicts he probably won't win in New Hampshire

Biden predicts he probably won't win in New HampshireFormer Vice President Joe Biden kicked off Friday's New Hampshire debate with a prediction: he's not going to win the primary.Biden spoke at the top of the debate about his disappointing fourth place finish in Monday's Iowa caucuses, admitting he "took a hit." But the former vice president took things a step further, appearing to set expectations as low as possible ahead of the Tuesday New Hampshire primary by suggesting he'll lose again."I took a hit in Iowa, and I'll probably take a hit here," Biden said. It was certainly a unique start to the event, as The Washington Post's Dave Weigel observed, "That has to be the first time that a debate began with a candidate saying he'd probably lose the state's primary."As far as who will win, Biden suggested Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) will likely beat him, citing the fact that "Bernie won by 20 points last time, and usually it's the neighboring senators that do well." But the good news for Biden, according to Biden? "This is a long race." > Former VP Biden on Iowa: "This is a long race. I took a hit in Iowa and I'll probably take a hit here."> > -- ABC News (@ABC) February 8, 2020More stories from America's pig problem American democracy is dying Warren, Biden slide as Buttigieg rises in Sanders-led New Hampshire poll

UN assesses if Antarctica temperature reading is record high

UN assesses if Antarctica temperature reading is record high

Did Russian-Made Missiles Strike an Israeli Stealth F-35 in 2017?

Did Russian-Made Missiles Strike an Israeli Stealth F-35 in 2017?Probably not. Here's what we know.

Sacred Native American site in Arizona blasted for border wall construction

Sacred Native American site in Arizona blasted for border wall constructionThe contractor installing President Donald Trump's border wall at Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument is blasting a hill sacred to the O'Odham people.

Friday 7 February 2020

Trump Says Congress Should Expunge Impeachment from Record

Trump Says Congress Should Expunge Impeachment from RecordPresident Trump said Friday that Congress should expunge his impeachment from the congressional record since it was a "political hoax."“That's a very good question," Trump said when asked whether Congress should wipe the record clean. "Should they expunge the impeachment in the House? They should because it was a hoax. It was a total political hoax.”The Senate acquitted Trump on Wednesday of the two impeachment charges against him, abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. The president had blasted the impeachment process for months as politically motivated by Democrats to remove a duly elected president they oppose.House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy floated the possibility earlier this week, saying he would attempt to expunge Trump's impeachment from the House record should the GOP retake the majority in the lower chamber and elect him speaker.“This is the fastest, weakest, most political impeachment in history," McCarthy said. "I don’t think it should stay on the books."Other Republicans have backed the idea of expunging the record as well.Representative Chip Roy, a Texas Republican, said holding a vote on a resolution that would seek to expunge the impeachment would "send a loud message that this was a political, partisan effort."House Speaker Nancy Pelosi dismissed the possibility of expungement later on Friday, adding a promise that Republicans would not take back the majority in the House this year.“They can’t do that,” Pelosi said. “First of all they’re not getting the chamber back, but apart from that, there’s no expunging. If they don’t want to honor their oath of office, then they’re going to expunge from their own souls the violation of the Constitution that they made.”

Trump ousts White House staffer who testified against him in impeachment: lawyer

The Trump administration on Friday removed Army Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman from his position as the White House's top Ukraine expert after he provided damaging testimony about President Donald Trump during the impeachment process, Vindman's lawyer said.

from Reuters: World News

U.S. Ambassador to EU Sondland says Trump intends to recall him from his post

U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland, who testified in President Donald Trump's impeachment inquiry, said on Friday that Trump intends to recall him from his post.

from Reuters: World News

Irish vote may spell the end for Varadkar amid Sinn Fein surge

Irish voters look likely to dump Prime Minister Leo Varadkar from power in an election on Saturday amid a surge by Sinn Fein that could alter the political landscape, even though the nationalist party is unlikely to win a place in government this time.

from Reuters: World News

Factbox: Who's who in Ireland's national election

Ireland votes in a national election on Saturday. Here are the main parties and their leaders:

from Reuters: World News

Lockheed Martin drops out of Singapore Airshow over coronavirus concerns

U.S. weapons maker Lockheed Martin Corp said on Friday it will not participate in next week's Singapore Airshow over coronavirus concerns.

from Reuters: World News