Saturday 31 March 2018

Sacramento protesters demonstrate against police shooting of Stephon Clark

Sacramento protesters demonstrate against police shooting of Stephon ClarkCalifornia's capital city is on edge for the funeral of a 22-year-old unarmed black man killed by Sacramento police in his grandparents' backyard. The Rev. Al Sharpton plans to give the eulogy for Stephon Clark at Thursday's funeral at Bayside of South Sacramento church.

NRA Is Pulling In Big Bucks After The Parkland Mass Shooting

NRA Is Pulling In Big Bucks After The Parkland Mass ShootingThe National Rifle Association has launched a heated offensive in the weeks

Tesla says crashed vehicle had been on autopilot prior to accident

Tesla says crashed vehicle had been on autopilot prior to accidentTesla Inc said on Friday that a Tesla Model X involved a fatal crash in California last week had activated its Autopilot system, raising new questions about the semi-autonomous system that handles some driving tasks. Tesla also said vehicle logs from the accident showed no action had been taken by the driver soon before the crash and that he had received earlier warnings to put his hands on the wheel.

Austin police chief calls bomber 'domestic terrorist'

Austin police chief calls bomber 'domestic terrorist'AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Austin's police chief said Thursday that a "domestic terrorist" set off a series of explosions that killed two people and severely wounded four others in Texas' capital, offering a stronger characterization of the suspected bomber after drawing criticism for being unwilling to do so previously.

Holy Week around the world

Holy Week around the worldAs Christian around the world mark the Holy Week of Easter in celebration of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ, Pope Francis on Palm Sunday urged young people not to be silent and let their voices be heard, even in the face of corrupt or silent elders. Here are some of the images from Holy Week. 

Clashes as thousands of Gazans march near Israel border

Clashes as thousands of Gazans march near Israel borderThousands of Palestinians marched near the Gaza-Israel border on Friday in a major protest leading to clashes with Israeli forces, in which more than 50 Gazans were wounded. Israeli tanks and snipers were positioned on the other side of the border, using tear gas and live fire to force back the protesters. Moe than 50 people were wounded by live fire, the Palestinian Red Crescent said.

Megachurch Pastor Accused Of Defrauding People Out Of More Than $1 Million

Megachurch Pastor Accused Of Defrauding People Out Of More Than $1 MillionA Texas megachurch pastor stands accused of using his influence to lure