Saturday 7 April 2018

Six journalists shot by Israel during Gaza protests: union

Six journalists shot by Israel during Gaza protests: unionSix Palestinian journalists were shot and wounded by the Israeli army during clashes Friday between demonstrators and troops on the Gaza border, the Palestinian Journalists' Syndicate said. The union said the six were shot despite wearing clothes clearly identifying themselves as journalists, adding it held Israel "fully accountable for this crime". An Israeli army spokeswoman had no immediate comment on the statement.

PHOTOS: Immigrants caught crossing the U.S.-Mexico border

PHOTOS: Immigrants caught crossing the U.S.-Mexico borderEven though the Trump administration speaks of an immigration "crisis" on the U.S.-Mexico border, U.S. Border Patrol statistics show the fewest apprehensions of illegal immigrants on the border in 46 years. In the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, 2017, there were 303,916 such arrests, the lowest level since fiscal 1971. Unable to get the U.S. Congress or Mexico to fully fund his border wall, President Donald Trump will post National Guard troops along the Mexican frontier, officials said. (Reuters)

EPA Ethics Official Walks Back Defense Of Scott Pruitt's Condo Rental

EPA Ethics Official Walks Back Defense Of Scott Pruitt's Condo RentalThe Environmental Protection Agency's lead ethics official this week walked

President Trump doubles down on former illegal immigration comments

President Trump doubles down on former illegal immigration commentsDuring a White House tax reform event, Trump claimed that, “women are raped at levels that nobody’s ever seen before,” while a caravan of immigrants heads toward the U.S.

Bollywood Star Salman Khan Has Been Convicted of Poaching Protected Antelopes

Bollywood Star Salman Khan Has Been Convicted of Poaching Protected AntelopesKhan, one of Bollywood's biggest stars, was sentenced to five years in prison

Russians including one of Britain's most prominent oligarchs hit by new sanctions as US cracks down on 'malign' behaviour

Russians including one of Britain's most prominent oligarchs hit by new sanctions as US cracks down on 'malign' behaviourThirty-eight Russian individuals and entities including Oleg Deripaska, one of the most well-known oligarchs in Britain, have been hit by new sanctions from Donald Trump.  Mr Deripaska, a 50-year-old energy tycoon, has been accused by America of acting “directly or indirectly” on behalf of the Russian government.  The US Treasury said Mr Deripaska had been accused of money laundering, “threatening the lives of business rivals” and illegally wire-tapping a government official.  The new sanctions were taken by America to punish Russia for its recent “malign behaviour” including its attempt to “subvert Western democracies” and support of the Syrian regime.  Russian President Vladimir Putin (L), Nizhny Novgorod region Governor Valeriy Shantsev (C) and billionaire Oleg Deripaska (R) pictured together during a day trip to visit a polymer plant  The Salisbury spy poisoning was also included in the Russian action being punished, according to a senior US administration official, though it was not the direct cause of the sanctions.  Seven Russian oligarchs and their 12 companies have been targeted as well as 17 senior government officials, a state-owned weapons trader and its subsidiary, a Russian bank.  The government officials affected include the chairman of the state-owned Gazprombank and the director of the Federal Service of National Guard Troops.   All those targeted will have their assets under US jurisdiction frozen. Americans are also generally barred from dealing with them.  Infamous: Oleg Deripaska's yacht 'Queen K' was party host to George Osborne and Peter Mandelson in 2008 Mr Deripaska, who owns property in Britain, is well known in the UK for his infamous yacht meeting with Lord [Peter] Mandelson, the Labour politician, and George Osborne, the former Tory chancellor, in 2008.  The pair were entertained by Mr Deripaska on his 238ft (73m) Queen K in Corfu. At the time Lord Mandelson was the EU trade commissioner and Mr Osborne was the shadow chancellor.  The meeting triggered a political backlash for both men. Lord Mandelson faced questions after supporting cuts to European aluminium import duties, which benefited Mr Deripaska’s company.   Mr Osborne was accused of soliciting a donation from Mr Deripaska, who was not a British citizen.  Both denied any wrongdoing.  The 'designated' | Seven Russians targeted by US action Mr Deripaska’s company EN+ Group, based on Jersey in the Channel Islands, is being hit by sanctions. It is an aluminium and power producer. Basic Element Limited, a private investment and management company linked to Mr Deripska, has also been targeted. So too is EuroSibEnergo, one of the largest independent power companies in Russia.  The US Treasury said Mr Deripaska was among those who “owned or controlled” the companies “directly or indirectly”. The  Trump administration's decision to deliberately target figures close to Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, is a deliberate attempt to force him to change direction.  Steven Mnuchin, the US Treasury secretary, said: “The Russian government engages in a range of malign activity around the globe, including continuing to occupy Crimea and instigate violence in eastern Ukraine, supplying the Assad regime with material and weaponry as they bomb their own civilians, attempting to subvert Western democracies, and malicious cyber activities.  “Russian oligarchs and elites who profit from this corrupt system will no longer be insulated from the consequences of their government’s destabilizing activities.” Senior US administration officials said the action was “not in response to any single issue” but designed to tackle “the totality” of Russia’s “increasingly brazen” activity across the world.  One said that the message to Russia was that “actions have consequences” and called on those hit by the sanctions to “wield their influence” to encourage a change in direction.  Kirill Shamalov, another Russian energy tycoon, was among those oligarchs targeted. He married Mr Putin’s daughter Katerina Tikhonova in February 2013.  The US Treasury claimed his fortunes “dramatically improved” after the marriage, receiving a “large portion” of shares in Sibur, a Russia-based oil and gas company, 18 months after the wedding. Also on the list is Suleiman Kerimov, a businessman and politician with an estimated $5bn (£3.5bn) fortune, who has been dubbed "the Russian Gatsby" for his extravagant spending. An economist by training, he made his fortune through a series of canny investments in the 1990s. In 2011 his profile was raised when he bought the football team Anzhi Makhachkala, using his clout to lure high-profile footballers such as Roberto Carlos and Samuel Eto'o, before selling it in 2016.   Mr Kerimov's family controls 83pc of London-listed Polyus, Russia's largest gold miner. Polyus quit the London market in 2015 as sanctions tightened on Russia in the wake of the annexation of Crimea, but re-listed last year when it floated 7pc of the company - timing that may now seem ill-judged. Last month Polyus's chairman Edward Dowling told The Telegraph he hoped the City would look beyond geopolitical tensions with Russia and consider investing in the company. Polyus itself has so far escaped sanctions.

There's a whole meme community that doesn't think Mark Zuckerberg is human

There's a whole meme community that doesn't think Mark Zuckerberg is humanThere's a whole subreddit poking fun at Mark Zuckerberg's supposed power complex.  The Facebook CEO is currently in some hot water for the Cambridge Analytica data mining scandal, and the company has been a PR nightmare as people delete their accounts and flee the social media giant. Overall, there's a pretty universal distrust of Mark Zuckerberg right now.  Comment from discussion Zuck memes horribly undervalued.. But a community of Redditors has shared that distrust for a while now — six months ago, Redditor u/SirLotsaLocks created r/ZuckMemes after positive feedback from r/MemeEconomy. According to its description, "Mark Zuckerberg is the human founder of the massive social media website called Facebook." The subreddit, which has just under 19,000 subscribers, mocks Zuckerberg's flowery, sappy posts about how he's just an average guy and instead insists that he's a robot learning to assimilate with humans.  Like this post from last July. "If you eat meat, you should know where it comes from," Zuckerberg mused in a live Facebook video. He explained that he challenged himself to be vegetarian for a year unless he was involved in killing and butchering the animal himself. One of the side effects, he said, was that he got really into preparing meats himself, which is how we were blessed with this nice chat with Zuckerberg while he smoked meats in his backyard.  In the livestream, Zuckerberg answered questions from commenters, discusses revolutionizing education, charmingly tried to convince his wife Priscilla to join him in the video. In the r/zuckmemes take, Zuckerberg enjoys "charring meat inside of an unpressurized vessel behind my domicile."  "Once the animal carcass reaches a temperature sufficient to destroy bacteria and viruses that would pose a threat to my empire," the fake post says, "I will consume the flesh to replenish my stores of energy." In this Zuck meme, the Facebook CEO attempts to order from a food truck. "The animal's flesh was warm." How could he not be a human? Look at him eat normal toast, like a normal human! (Turn your volume up to hear the very human sound effects.) Both of these clips were modified from a video in which Zuck, aka Zucc, showed off his home named AI Jarvis. But the weirdness of the original video was ripe for the Zuck meme community. The memes also make fun of Zuckerberg's "profound" posts about interacting with underrepresented groups, like this one. Last year, Zuckerberg sat down for dinner with a group of Somali refugees in Minneapolis and wrote a poignant post about the meaning of home. "I left impressed by your strength and resilience to build a new life in an unfamiliar place," his caption said, "And you are a powerful reminder of why this country is so great." The Redditors who frequent r/zuckmemes don't see his posts as a sentimental reflection on the real meaning of America. They joke about Zuckerberg's need for power trips. In the highest rated post on r/zuckmemes, the robotic Zuck bullies an elderly Alabaman editor into eating an entire newspaper, threatening to buy out the Selma Times-Journal and  turn it into an "anime fanzine."  "For 43 minutes I had total power over that man," the fake posts says. "I'd never felt more alive. I bet that's what being president feels like." According to r/zuckmemes, Zuckerberg has a wild god complex. This fake Elon Musk posts talks about both tech billionaires' idea of a fun activity. For Musk, it's a jetpack paint ball fight with "Don't Stop Believing" playing in the background. For Zuckerberg, it was paying off a man's student loans in exchange for beating him.  There's even a handy guide to creating Zuck memes, which involves editing Facebook in HTML to make realistic looking posts from the CEO himself. r/zuckmemes peaked in popularity about six months ago, but since the Cambridge Analytica scandal happened, people have been straying away from the usual meme format to joke about Facebook's privacy breaches.  Will the god-king Mark Zuckerberg ever learn to assimilate with humans? Or will he always be a secret lizard person? Although there were rumors that Zuckerberg was seeing a behavioral therapist to appear more human, take it with a grain of salt.  The Facebook CEO hasn't publicly spoken about the memes or about his public persona. Until then, Zuckerberg will continue to be the lizard robot human philanthropist, innovator and family man he says he is. r/zuckmemes, though, will for sure be keeping an eye on him.  WATCH: 5 Instagram pro tips you probably didn't know about