Saturday 22 September 2018

3D-Printed Gun Creator Cody Wilson Arrested In Taiwan After Sexual Assault Charge

3D-Printed Gun Creator Cody Wilson Arrested In Taiwan After Sexual Assault ChargeCody Wilson ― 3D-printed gun creator, neo-Nazi funder and sexual assault

Brett Kavanaugh Controversy Rocks Yale Law School

Brett Kavanaugh Controversy Rocks Yale Law SchoolThe sexual assault allegation against Brett Kavanaugh is rocking the world of

Alibaba Backpedals On Promise To Bring 1 Million Jobs To U.S., Blames Trump Tariff War

Alibaba Backpedals On Promise To Bring 1 Million Jobs To U.S., Blames Trump Tariff WarChinese tech giant Alibaba will no longer bring the 1 million jobs it had

Sexual Assault Groups Stop Work With Senators Over Treatment Of Christine Blasey Ford

Sexual Assault Groups Stop Work With Senators Over Treatment Of Christine Blasey FordFor two years, a task force of national sexual assault and domestic violence

He Created 3D-Printed Guns And Funded Neo-Nazis. Now He's An International Fugitive.

He Created 3D-Printed Guns And Funded Neo-Nazis. Now He's An International Fugitive.There's an international manhunt underway for Cody Wilson, the guy credited

AP FACT CHECK: GOP ad misleads on McCaskill immigration vote

AP FACT CHECK: GOP ad misleads on McCaskill immigration voteJEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) — A Republican political action committee has launched a television ad that alleges Democratic U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill of Missouri shifted her stance on immigration policy and supported a reprieve for 11 million immigrants living in the country illegally.

Christine Blasey Ford May Testify About Kavanaugh Accusation Under Right Conditions, Lawyer Says

Christine Blasey Ford May Testify About Kavanaugh Accusation Under Right Conditions, Lawyer SaysThe attorney's email carried a positive message and tone