Saturday 16 March 2019

Jailed Reuters journalists appeal to Myanmar's top court as rights group decries 'fear'

Lawyers for two Reuters reporters jailed in Myanmar for breaking a colonial-era official secrets law appealed to the Supreme Court on Friday against their conviction, as a rights group said the government wielded repressive laws against peaceful critics.

from Reuters: World News

Costa Rica's Church seeks forgiveness after priests accused of abuse

The Catholic Church in Costa Rica on Friday asked for forgiveness following recent accusations that three of its priests sexually abused minors, amid a clerical abuse scandal that has ravaged the institution's credibility around the globe.

from Reuters: World News

China says willing to hold more talks with India on blacklisting Kashmir attacker

China said on Friday it was willing to have more discussions with all parties concerned including India on blacklisting the head of Pakistan-based militant group Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM), which claimed responsibility for the attack on an Indian paramilitary convoy in disputed Kashmir in February.

from Reuters: World News

New Zealand mass shooting suspect remanded until April 5

The primary suspect in the mass shooting at a mosque in New Zealand's Christchurch was remanded without plea until his next appearance in the High Court on April 5.

from Reuters: World News

Nicaragua releases 50 prisoners in hopes talks can resume

The Nicaraguan government on Friday released a second group of prisoners following demands by the opposition for more detainees to be freed before political dialogue to broker a way out of a national crisis continues.

from Reuters: World News

Manafort sentence exemplifies privilege in the justice system: Readers sound off

Manafort sentence exemplifies privilege in the justice system: Readers sound off'What does Manafort's 47-month sentence say to people who are not wealthy in America?'

Trump vows 'VETO!' after bipartisan Senate rebuke on wall

Trump vows 'VETO!' after bipartisan Senate rebuke on wallThe 59-41 vote was a bipartisan repudiation of Trump's decision to circumvent Congress and take money already designated for other programs and redirect it to pay for his U.S.-Mexico border wall, which he promised to build during his 2016 campaign. In the first two years of his term, the Republican-led Congress mostly accommodated Trump, which spared him from having to use his veto pen. With Republicans showing increased willingness to defy him, Trump promised a change.