Sunday 9 June 2019

Pence on immigration: ‘Time for Congress to step up!’

Pence on immigration: ‘Time for Congress to step up!’“.@POTUS got Mexico to step up... Now it’s time for Congress to step up!” Pence tweeted.

American Airlines extends Boeing 737 MAX cancellations through September 3

American Airlines extends Boeing 737 MAX cancellations through September 3The largest U.S. airline had previously said it was cancelling flights Aug. 19 after the Boeing Co plane was grounded worldwide in March following two deadly crashes in Indonesia and Ethiopia. American Airlines said Sunday it is extending those cancellations through Sept. 3. Boeing has yet to complete a certification test flight and formally submit its software upgrade and training changes to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for approval.

India's Modi visits bombed Sri Lanka church, vows support after attacks

India's Modi visits bombed Sri Lanka church, vows support after attacksIndian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday honored those killed by Islamist militants in Sri Lanka's Easter bombings, vowing support for the island nation as Delhi seeks to counter the rise of China in the region. The hours-long stop in Sri Lanka was part of Modi's first overseas trip after winning a second term. In recent years, China's presence has grown in both in Sri Lanka and in the Maldives as Beijing financed infrastructure projects and sought closer military ties, especially for its navy.

Sudan protesters want civil disobedience to pressure army

Sudan protesters want civil disobedience to pressure armyPro-democracy protest leaders on Saturday called on Sudanese to take part in acts of civil disobedience in a bid to pressure the military to hand over power after the deadly break-up of their main sit-in in the capital of Khartoum earlier this week. The call came a day after Ethiopia's Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed met separately with the ruling generals and the protest leaders in an effort to revive talks that were almost dead after the dispersal of the sit-in outside the military's headquarters on Monday. The Sudan Doctors' Central Committee, one of the protest groups, said at least 113 people have been killed and more than 500 wounded since Monday.

Raytheon and United Technologies in merger talks: WSJ

Raytheon and United Technologies in merger talks: WSJUnited Technologies Corp and US arms giant Raytheon are in talks over a merger deal that could create one of the world's biggest aerospace and defense companies, the Wall Street Journal reported Saturday. The new entity would be the world's second-largest defense company by sales after Boeing. A person familiar with the matter told the newspaper that United Technologies is likely to own a majority of the combined company.

Swiss expert to start work on new standards for mining dam safety

A Swiss environmental expert will make a fact-finding trip this week to the site of the Vale dam disaster in Brazil to start work on setting new dam safety standards for miners.

from Reuters: World News

Mexico has yet to expand asylum-seeker program agreed to with U.S.

Mexico has yet to expand the number of border crossings where U.S.-bound asylum seekers must be returned to Mexican territory to await processing, despite a deal announced on Friday calling for an immediate expansion, three officials told Reuters.

from Reuters: World News