Friday 2 August 2019

US to pull out thousands of troops under Taliban deal

US to pull out thousands of troops under Taliban dealAmerica could withdraw thousands of troops from Afghanistan in the coming months as part of an initial peace agreement with the Taliban. American and militant envoys meeting in Qatar's capital said they were optimistic of soon clinching a deal to end America's 18-year-old conflict. An initial deal would see US troop numbers fall to as low as 8,000 from their current level of 14,000, the Washington Post reported. In return the Taliban would have to give guarantees Afghan soil would not become a launchpad for transnational terrorist groups like al-Qaeda. They would also begin negotiating with the Afghan government to find a wider political settlement to the world's deadliest conflict. "I would say that they are 80 or 90 percent of the way there," one official told the paper. "But there is still a long way to go on that last 10 or 20 percent." Sources familiar with the talks said argument among the Taliban may still scupper a deal. The militants have until now demanded a full US withdrawal before they talk to Ashraf Ghani's government and it is unclear if hardliners will accept a partial withdrawal to start. Details of how and agreement might be monitored or verified were also still being hammered out. The conflict is now the deadliest in the world Credit: Reuters “Dissension in the Taliban ranks may yet throw spanners in the works. But overall it's positive,” said one official. It was not immediately clear if there was progress on the other element of talks, the Taliban's agreement to a ceasefire. Zalmay Khalilzad, Donald Trump's peace envoy, has said until now that a deal cannot be finalised until all the elements, including a truce, are agreed. Casualties have continued to mount steeply as sides in the conflict have continued to fight while negotiating. Mr Khalilzad is under intense pressure to find Mr Trump a way out of the war, which the US president has dismissed as a costly failure. The talks are also overshadowing campaigning for September's the Afghan presidential elections, with candidates unsure whether an election will even be held in the event of a deal.

US Army and police department veteran challenges Rep. Ilhan Omar for her seat in Congress

US Army and police department veteran challenges Rep. Ilhan Omar for her seat in CongressOfficer Chris Kelley says Rep. Ilhan Omar's comments on Sept. 11 inspired him to challenge the progressive 'Squad' member.

Top Navy SEAL commander writes scathing letter saying the force has a problem in the wake of SEAL scandals

Top Navy SEAL commander writes scathing letter saying the force has a problem in the wake of SEAL scandalsRear Adm. Collin Green wrote a scathing letter to his forces, saying special operators need to shape up in the wake of SEAL scandals.

Thursday 1 August 2019

Chinese billionaire indicted in U.S. for alleged $1.8 billion aluminum tariff evasion

Chinese billionaire indicted in U.S. for alleged $1.8 billion aluminum tariff evasionWASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - A Chinese billionaire has been indicted by a grand jury on charges he schemed with the aluminum company he founded to evade $1.8 billion of tariffs by smuggling huge amounts of the metal into the United States, federal prosecutors said on Wednesday. Liu Zhongtian, 55, and China Zhongwang Holdings Ltd <1333.HK>, where he served as chairman and president, were among several defendants charged in a 24-count indictment by a Los Angeles grand jury. Neither Zhongwang or Liu, who is still the company's controlling shareholder, have received any notice of the proceedings, the company said in a statement to the Hong Kong stock exchange on Thursday.

GOP pushes immigration bill, skirting rules as Dems protest

GOP pushes immigration bill, skirting rules as Dems protestRepublicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee upended the rules Thursday for immigration legislation that would extend family detentions as chairman Lindsey Graham muscled the measure forward over the objections of Democrats. Graham gaveled open the hearing saying he wasn't going to wait any longer to address the crisis at the southern border. He acknowledged that his outreach to Democrats has failed to reach a compromise on detention policies for children and families. In pushing the bill forward, the chairman skirted committee rules allowing for amendments and requiring minority participation in certain actions, including to end debate.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio asked why officer involved in Eric Garner's death wasn't fired

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio asked why officer involved in Eric Garner's death wasn't firedFederal prosecutors announced earlier this month that they would not file charges against Daniel Pantaleo, who was involved Eric Garner's death.

UK warship commander says Iran trying 'to test' Britain in Gulf

UK warship commander says Iran trying 'to test' Britain in GulfThe commander of a British warship accompanying UK-flagged ships through the Strait of Hormuz amid heightened tensions with Iran said Wednesday that Tehran appeared to be testing the Royal Navy's resolve. William King, commander of HMS Montrose, said during 27 days patrolling the flashpoint entrance to the Gulf he had had 85 "interactions with Iranian forces", which had often led to "an exchange of warnings" over radio. Montrose, on a three-year deployment in the region since April based at a British naval hub opened in Bahrain last year, began the escorts through the world's busiest oil shipping lane earlier this month.