Saturday 14 March 2020

Court cites coronavirus in blocking Trump administration's food stamp cuts

Court cites coronavirus in blocking Trump administration's food stamp cutsJudge Beryl A. Howell of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia cited the coronavirus pandemic in her decision to suspend the rule from going into effect.

New Zealand PM makes 'no apologies' after announcing 'toughest border restrictions' in the world amid coronavirus fears

New Zealand PM makes 'no apologies' after announcing 'toughest border restrictions' in the world amid coronavirus fearsCountries around the world continued Saturday to enact strict measures such as border closures and flight cancellations to combat the spread of the novel COVID-19 coronavirus.That includes New Zealand, whose Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced Saturday the government will implement a policy under which all travelers, even New Zealanders, must self-isolate upon their arrival in the country for 14 days starting Sunday at midnight.Ardern said New Zealand, along with Israel and several Pacific Island nations, "will have the widest ranging and toughest border restrictions of any country in the world," adding that she's not making any apologies in this "unprecedented time." All cruise ships will be banned from coming to New Zealand until June 30, as well. There are only six confirmed cases and no deaths attributed to COVID-19 in New Zealand so far.Ardern has proven herself to be a swift actor in the past. Almost exactly one year ago, a white nationalist gunman killed more than 50 people at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, prompting Ardern to usher in a ban on semiautomatic rifles and institute mandatory buybacks in less than a week. It's no surprise she's not taking her time this time, either. Read more at Reuters and New Zealand Herald.More stories from Trump just gave the worst speech of his presidency Mitch McConnell is aiding and abetting the spread of coronavirus White House will extend Europe travel ban to Ireland, UK, considering domestic restrictions

Official: Pentagon launches airstrikes targeting Iran-backed militia after rocket attack on U.S., British troops

Official: Pentagon launches airstrikes targeting Iran-backed militia after rocket attack on U.S., British troopsThe U.S. airstrikes came after the U.S. military confirmed three coalition personnel in Iraq were killed after rockets hit Iraq's Camp Taji base.

Sasse Rips Pelosi for Trying to Smuggle Hyde Amendment Loophole into Coronavirus Package

Sasse Rips Pelosi for Trying to Smuggle Hyde Amendment Loophole into Coronavirus PackageSenator Ben Sasse (R., Neb.) slammed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) and Democrats for reportedly trying to ensure federal funding for abortion as part of the coronavirus economic stimulus plan.“While schools are closing and hospitals are gearing up, Speaker Pelosi is waging unnecessary culture wars. Speaker Pelosi should be fighting the coronavirus pandemic, not politicizing emergency funding by fighting against the bipartisan Hyde Amendment,” Sasse told National Review in a statement. “We need to be ramping up our diagnostic testing, not waging culture wars at the behest of Planned Parenthood. Good grief.”Pelosi attempted to secure a funding stream of up to $1 billion for reimbursing laboratory claims. According to White House officials who spoke with the Daily Caller, that provision would establish a precedent under which health claims for all procedures, including abortion, could be reimbursed with federal funds. That precedent would render the Hyde Amendment, which blocks taxpayer funding for abortion clinics, obsolete.Pelosi resisted efforts by Democrats to end the Hyde Amendment in recent months, with progressives being forced to abandon an attempt to “ensure” abortion coverage for people using federal health programs as part of a $190 billion budget bill passed in July.“It is the law of the land right now, and I don’t see that there’s an opportunity to get rid of it with the current occupant of the White House and this U.S. Senate,” Pelosi said at the time, adding that she does not support the Hyde Amendment herself.But Pelosi’s tactics were seemingly confirmed by Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.), who claimed in an interview on Fox News Thursday night that “right now we are hearing that some of the fights and some of the gridlock is because people are trying to put pro-life provisions into this.”> .@AOC talking about the response to Coronavirus with @BretBaier> > -- Benny (@bennyjohnson) March 12, 2020Pelosi went back and forth with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin Thursday, ultimately coming close to a deal, with the House set to vote on the package Friday after the Speaker reportedly dropped the matter.“We’ve resolved most of our differences, and [for] those we haven’t we’ll continue the conversation, because there will obviously be other bills,” Pelosi told reporters on Thursday.

US hospitals are scrambling to prepare for a potential surge in coronavirus cases, as one in Washington already reports depleting supplies

US hospitals are scrambling to prepare for a potential surge in coronavirus cases, as one in Washington already reports depleting suppliesSome patients could end up waiting on stretchers in the hallways of emergency rooms as they wait for an open bed, the Associated Press reported.

Biden, Looking to Attract Progressives, Endorses Warren Bankruptcy Plan


The Coronavirus Is Forcing Hospitals to Cancel Surgeries