Saturday 24 October 2020

Two face masks may be more protective than wearing one, but it depends on the type and fit

Two face masks may be more protective than wearing one, but it depends on the type and fitDoubling up on single-layer cloth masks may be better than one, but the safest homemade masks have three layers, including a nonabsorbent outer one.

Israel 'will not oppose' advanced US arms sales to UAE

Israel 'will not oppose' advanced US arms sales to UAEIsraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Friday his country would not oppose US sales of advanced weapon systems to the UAE, apparently referring to F-35 fighter planes.

Senator Hirono’s Double Standard

Senator Hirono’s Double StandardThe biggest controversy arising from Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation hearings last week was the fact that she said she “would not discriminate on the basis of sexual preference.”How was that controversial?According to some Senate Democrats, using the term “sexual preference” is “shameful and offensive.”Patty Murray, the third-ranking Democrat in the Senate, wrote on Twitter: “Judge Barrett using this phrase is shameful and offensive—and it tells us exactly what we need to know about how she views the LGBTQIA+ community.”Democratic senators Cory Booker and Mazie Hirono, both members of the Judiciary Committee, criticized Barrett for saying “sexual preference” at the hearing. “Let me make clear, ‘sexual preference’ is an offensive and outdated term,” Hirono said to Barrett.> Let me make clear - sexual preference is an offensive and outdated term.> > To suggest sexual orientation is a choice? It's not. It's a key part of a person's identity.> > The LGBTQ+ community should be concerned with WhatsAtStake with Judge Barrett on the Supreme Court.> > -- Senator Mazie Hirono (@maziehirono) October 13, 2020Barrett apologized: “I certainly didn’t mean and would never mean to use a term that would cause any offense to the LGBTQ community.”“Amy Coney Barrett used an offensive term while talking about LGBTQ rights. Her apology was telling,” read the headline at Vox. But as it turns out, there’s little reason to think the term was offensive before Democrats pounced on Barrett for using it on October 13.Joe Biden used the term “sexual preference” in May 2020, and the late Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg used it in 2017. Senators Richard Blumenthal and Dick Durbin — both Judiciary Committee members — have used the term in Senate floor speeches over the past decade.On Thursday afternoon, I caught up with Hirono in the Capitol and asked her about the apparent double standard. The Hawaii senator stands by her condemnation of Barrett for saying “sexual preference,” but won’t call on Biden to apologize for using the same term in May 2020:> National Review: Senator, last week at the hearing you mentioned that you thought it was “offensive and outdated” when Amy Barrett used the [term] “sexual preference.” It turns out that Joe Biden said it in May. Ruth Bader Ginsburg said it in 2017. Some of your colleagues on the Judiciary Committee said it maybe in 2010, 2012. Do you stand by that criticism?> > Mazie Hirono: Well, of course.> > NR: Do you think Joe Biden should apologize for saying that in May?> > Hirono: Well, look, it’s a lesson learned for all of us. But when you’re going on the Supreme Court and you’ve been a judge, as one of my judge friends said, you should know what these words mean.> > NR: Should Joe Biden apologize, too, like Amy Coney Barrett did?> > Hirono: Joe Biden is not up for the Supreme Court.> > NR: He’s up for the presidency. So, he shouldn’t apologize?> > Hirono: People will decide.> > NR: You don’t want to call on him to apologize?> > Hirono: Oh, stop it. The world is in flames.Of course, the state of the world is the same this week as it was last week when Senators Murray and Hirono smeared Barrett as a bigot for using the term, and the argument that either Barrett or Biden did anything wrong is very weak.The Huffington Post and The Atlantic have printed “sexual preference” instead of “sexual orientation” in the last six years. A gay-rights advocate used the term in a September 25, 2020, interview with the gay-rights magazine The Advocate. No one condemned or criticized any of the media outlets or Democratic politicians who used the term in the past decade.In Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, the word “preference” carried no negative connotation when used to refer to sexual orientation on October 12, 2020. On October 13, 2020 — immediately after the media and Senate Democrats pounced on Barrett — Merriam-Webster redefined the word “preference” as “offensive” when used to refer to “sexual orientation.”Amy Coney Barrett and Joe Biden may not owe anyone an apology. But Senator Hirono and several of her Democratic colleagues do.

Snow due to hit Colorado wildfire areas

Snow due to hit Colorado wildfire areas"We don’t anticipate it will be a season-ending event, but we do believe it will help us a great bit," said a fire incident spokesman.

Trump targets Kamala Harris in sexist rant against the Democratic vice-presidential nominee

Trump targets Kamala Harris in sexist rant against the Democratic vice-presidential nominee"We're not going to have a socialist president, especially a female socialist president ... we're not gonna' put up with it," Trump said.

George Floyd death: A city pledged to abolish its police. Then what?

George Floyd death: A city pledged to abolish its police. Then what?Minneapolis has struggled to keep a promise that made global headlines after George Floyd's death.


By Unknown Author from NYT Briefing