Saturday 17 February 2018

After Florida, is the tide finally turning on gun control?

After Florida, is the tide finally turning on gun control?From Governor Rick Scott's suggestion that guns should be kept from the mentally ill to a Florida vigil where chants of "no more guns" erupted, there are signs America may be ready for action.

Twitter Users Accuse Trump Of Victim Blaming After Florida Shooting

Twitter Users Accuse Trump Of Victim Blaming After Florida ShootingTwitter users accused President Donald Trump of victim blaming after the president’s Thursday tweet suggested that people who knew suspected gunman Nikolas Cruz may not have done enough to prevent the mass shooting in Parkland, Florida.

Here are the victims of the Florida school shooting

Here are the victims of the Florida school shooting17 people were killed after a gunman stormed into Marjory Stoneham Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Here are their names.

These Are The Victims Of The South Florida School Shooting

These Are The Victims Of The South Florida School ShootingFamily and friends of the 17 people killed in Wednesday’s shooting at a high school in Parkland, Florida, are speaking out about their lost loved ones, sharing words about their talents and aspirations as well as stories of heroism and sacrifice in their final moments.

US, Turkey return from brink, aim to 'normalize' ties

US, Turkey return from brink, aim to 'normalize' tiesANKARA, Turkey (AP) — The United States and Turkey pulled back from the brink of a potentially disastrous crisis on Friday, agreeing to normalize badly strained relations over Syria and other issues that had threatened the NATO allies' longstanding ties.

Why You Must Stay Home When You Have the Flu

Why You Must Stay Home When You Have the FluIt's mid-February and the flu patients keep coming. Flu vaccine and screening supplies are becoming scarce at the Findlay, Ohio, medical practice where family nurse practitioner Gina Vaughn sees her patients. The influx continues as the infection spreads. "The flu season has just gotten out of control because people are not staying home," she laments. "They're not using common sense."

American figure skater Vincent Zhou is brilliant, bemusing

American figure skater Vincent Zhou is brilliant, bemusingGANGNEUNG, South Korea (AP) — The personality of American figure skater Vincent Zhou, who made his Olympic debut with a superb short program Friday, was neatly summed up by his social media response to a fan who recently asked what era he would visit if he could travel back in time.