Saturday 2 February 2019

To Florida's Venezuelan exiles, Pence vows more pressure on Maduro

To Florida's Venezuelan exiles, Pence vows more pressure on MaduroIn a visit to the largest community of Venezuelan exiles in the United States - and flanked by four prominent Florida Republican politicians - Pence rejected calls for talks with Maduro, and said all options were on the table to force him to leave. This is time for action," Pence told a few hundred people at a rally in a local church, many of whom waved Venezuelan flags and shouted "Libertad!" "The time has come to end the Maduro dictatorship once and for all," said Pence, who has emerged as one of the strongest voices against the Venezuelan leader in the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump. The U.S. government has recognized opposition leader Juan Guaido as Venezuela's interim president.

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