Friday 24 May 2019

Congress presses Trump administration for Mueller's counterintelligence files

Congress presses Trump administration for Mueller's counterintelligence filesMueller's team produced counterintelligence reports and passed the information along to the FBI and the Justice Department based on witness interviews and other evidence about Russia's attempts to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Intelligence committees in both the Democrat-led House of Representatives and the Republican-led Senate want detailed information about those reports and leads, the congressional sources said. In a footnote to one section of his report about a Russian operation that trolled American internet users during the 2016 campaign, Mueller said his team was "aware of reports that other Russian entities engaged in similar active measures operations targeting the United States." U.S. and European law enforcement and intelligence officials have said European spy agencies began collecting information about Russian government hackers' efforts to target U.S. government and political networks as early as 2015.

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