Saturday 18 May 2019

U.S. Treasury's Mnuchin rejects subpoena for Trump tax returns

U.S. Treasury's Mnuchin rejects subpoena for Trump tax returnsIn a widely expected move, Mnuchin rejected a demand for the documents from House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal, saying the panel lacks "a legitimate legislative purpose" for obtaining the tax records that Democrats view as critical to their efforts to investigate Trump and his presidency. "We are unable to provide the requested information in response to the committee's subpoena," Mnuchin said in a letter to Neal, released ahead of a 5 p.m. EDT (2100 GMT) deadline for delivering the documents. Neal later issued a statement, saying he was "consulting with counsel on how best to enforce the subpoenas moving forward." Hours earlier, the Democratic chairman had said he was inclined to turn to federal court to obtain Trump's tax returns, if the administration missed the deadline.

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