Saturday 13 June 2020

Brazil overtakes UK to have second highest Covid-19 death toll in the world

Brazil overtakes UK to have second highest Covid-19 death toll in the worldBrazil on Friday overtook the UK to claim the second-highest coronavirus death toll in the world, behind the United States. The country’s health ministry recorded 909 deaths in the past 24 hours, putting the total at 41,828, ahead of the UK's 41,481. Unlike the UK, Latin America's biggest economy remains far off flattening its coronavirus infection curve, with experts warning a peak of daily deaths may not arrive until August. Observers believe the actual number of cases in Brazil could be far higher than the confirmed figure of 828,810. Gravediggers are working 12-hour shifts in a race to keep up with the toll, while images showing lines upon lines of empty graves waiting to be filled have shocked the world.

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